
 12/11-12/12 にかけて行われた、匿名の団体による企業サイトへの 攻撃の後の犯行声明の内容です。翻訳は途中まで。

ANON OPS: A Press Release

December 10, 2010

Who is Anonymous Anonymousとはだれか

In their most recent public statement, WikiLeaks is the only group of people to identify Anonymous correctly. Anonymous is not a group, but rather an Internet gathering.

最も最近の公式声明で、ウィキリークスだけが正しくAnonymousを識別し ている。Anonymousは一つのグループではなく、インターネット上の集まりだ。

Both Anonymous and the media that is covering it are aware of the percieved dissent between individuals in the gathering. This does not, however, mean that the command structure of Anonymous is failing for a simple reason: Anonymous has a very loose and decentralized command structure that operates on ideas rather than directives.

Anonymousとそれを報道しているメディアの両方が集会の中での個々 人の意見の違いを承知している。しかし、このことは、Anonymousの命令系統が一つの原 因で機能しなくなるということを意味しない。Anonymousはきわめてルーズで非集中的な 命令系統をもち、その命令系統は命令よりむしろ個々の意見によって機能する。


We do not believe that a similar movement exists in the world today and as such we have to learn by trial and error. We are now in the process of better communicating some core values to the individual atoms that comprise Anonymous - we also want to take this opportunity to communicate a message to the media, so that the average Internet Citizen can get to know who we are and what we represent.

私たちは同様の運動が今日世界に存在するとは思わない、そして、そのようなことは、 試行錯誤によって学ばなければならない。私たちは、基本的価値観をAnonymousを構成する個々人により良く伝える過程にある - 一つのメッセージをメディアに伝える機会にもしたい、その結果、私たちがだれであるのか、私たちが何を象徴するのか、を平均的なインターネット市民が知るようになる。

Anonymous is not a group of hackers. We are average Interent Citizens ourselves and our motivation is a collective sense of being fed up with all the minor and major injustices we witness every day.

Anonymousは、ハッカーの一団ではない。私たちは、毎日目にするありとあらゆる不正に うんざりした平均的なインターネット市民だ。

We do not want to steal your personal information or credit card numbers. We also do not seek to attack critical infrastructure of companies such as Mastercard, Visa, PayPal or Amazon. Our current goal is to raise awareness about WikiLeaks and the underhanded methods employed by the above companies to impair WikiLeaks' ability to function.

私たちはあなたたちの個人情報もクレジットカードナンバーも盗もうとはしない 。企業の 重要なインフラストラクチャーを攻撃もしない、例えば、ビザ、ペイパル、またはアマゾン。 私たちの現在の目標は、ウィキリークスとウィキリークスを機能不全にするために上記企業が用いた卑怯なやり方、についての認識を高めることだ。

What is Operation: Payback ―仕返し作戦とは

As stated above, the point of Operation: Payback was never to target critical infrastructure of any of the companies or organizations affected. Rather than doing that, we focused on their corporate websites, which is to say, their online "public face". It is a symbolic action - as blogger and academic Evgeny Morozov put it, a legitimate expression of dissent.

上記のように当作戦のポイントは:"仕返し"がターゲットとするのは、決して企業・団体の重要インフラではないこと。それをするよりも企業ウェブサイト、つまり、ネットでの"公の顔"に焦点をおいている。これは象徴的な活動である ―ブロガーであり学者でもあるEvgeny Morozovは「正当な異議の表出」と表している。

The background to the attacks on PayPal and the calls to attack ―PayPal攻撃とAmazon.com攻撃の要求に関する背景

Amazon, which was until recently WikiLeaks' DNS provider, was one of the first companies to drop support for WikiLeaks. On December 9th, reported that were hosting the recently leaked diplomatic cables in e-book form. ( has since ceased selling the bundle of the diplomatic cables.)


After this piece of news circulated, parts of Anonymous on Twitter asked for to be targetted. The attack never occured.


While it is indeed possible that Anonymous may not have been able to take down in a DDoS attack, this is not the only reason the attack never occured. After the attack was so advertised in the media, we felt that it would affect people such as consumers in a negative way and make them feel threatened by Anonymous. Simply put, attacking a major online retailer when people are buying presents for their loved ones, would be in bad taste.


The continuing attacks on PayPal are already tested and preferable: while not damaging their ability to process payments, they are successful in slowing their network down just enough for people to notice and thus, we achieve our goal of raising awareness.


この記事は 翻訳板にて翻訳されたものです。 ※12/16 What is Operation: Payback以降加筆しました


Anonymous DDos
最終更新:2010年12月16日 01:12


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